ShaPlus IMEI Info
ShaPlus IMEI Info is freeware for Android phones and J2ME enabled mobile phones to display details about IMEI number.
(IMEI number is unique identification number present in GSM mobiles phones, usually IMEI number is displayed by entering *#06#. It can also be found inside battery compartment in most mobiles )
- Display phone model and manufacturer of entered IMEI number. (if available in database)
- Find missing digit in any IMEI number (replace missing digit by #).
- To know if any given IMEI is a valid or not
- Offline application, no need of internet connection
This is useful for people who deal with IMEI numbers like those working in telecom industry related to GSM, law enforcement personnel who deal with tracking mobiles etc
DownLoad ShaPlus IMEI info for Symbian and other J2ME supporting phones: IMEI.jar (491 KB)
IMEI.jad (click this to install from phone)
Version 1.2 Last updated : 10 Dec 2011
DownLoad ShaPlus IMEI info for Android Phones : See also
ShaPlus Mobile Info - Indian Mobile location finder
ShaPlus STD Info - Indian STD code finder What it will not do
- It will not tell if the IMEI number is that of an actual device or non existing device.
- It will not tell where this IMEI number is currently being used. These kinds of details are known by mobile service providers and usually they reveal these details to law enforcement personnel only
This software is provided as it is without any guarantee of accuracy. In case you find any mistake in the software, please let us know.