eClinic - Practice Management software for doctors
Over 22000 commonly used terms in Medical practice compiled together, which include most of the symptoms and diseases, which can be inserted in patient record by typing first few letters.
You can query patient data to generate different types of statistical reports.
Pharmacology of around 500 generic medicines for quick reference.
Graphical display of BP, weight, test values etc
Inbuilt shortcut keys which will convert shortforms into full texts in Prescription (e.g.: shortcut "101c" will be converted into "one capsule in the morning and one at night")
You can add new shortcut keys(macros) for commonly used long terms.
You can also use macros for distributing prescription between different brands for one generic medicine
Formats of commonly used certificates and documents issued (eg. Medical leave certificate, referring letter to another doctor) can be stored, so they will be automatically converted according to patient data on issuing.
Direct prescription-printing utility for non-regular patients.
Different reports like Collection reports, Visit Reports, Summary reports etc.
Provision for maintaining visit summaries of patients, so that you can continue in case of computer failure.
Inbuilt backup and restore
Step by step Tutorial describing all the features of eClinic